The Recipe For Making Chocolate burst cake.
You can make Chocolate burst cake using 4 ingredients in 5 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.
Ingredients Required To Make Chocolate burst cake
- Fill of Vanilla cake mix.
- Add of Sprinkles.
- Prepare of Milk.
- Insert 2 of chocolate pieces.
Quick Step To Make Chocolate burst cake
- Take the cake mix and milk. Mix it well.
- Add sprinkles into the batter..
- Take a cake mold and poor half from the batter then place the chocolate pieces in centre. Then poor the remaining batter..
- You can bake this cake in oven and also in pressure cooker for 15 mins..
- Then demold the cake finally. And apply your favourite toppings or icing. It's taste also very good without anything..
That's how to make Chocolate burst cake Recipe.
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