Recipe of Steam Choco Cake Tasty

The Recipe For Making Steam Choco Cake.

Steam Choco Cake You can make Steam Choco Cake using 7 ingredients in 1 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Steam Choco Cake

  1. Fill 5 of Kitkat chocolates.
  2. Insert 1 cup of flour.
  3. Prepare of Fresh milk.
  4. Prepare 1 of tsp.yeast.
  5. Fill of Melted.butter.
  6. Insert 1 of little salt.
  7. Mix 2 of eggs.

Quick Step To Make Steam Choco Cake

  1. Mix all ingredients and pour in the mould.Steam for 45 mins.When done melt some chocolates to spread on top..

That's how to make Steam Choco Cake Recipe.

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