The Recipe For Making Eggless Strawberry 🍓 flavoured cake.
You can make Eggless Strawberry 🍓 flavoured cake using 9 ingredients in 10 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.
Ingredients Required To Make Eggless Strawberry 🍓 flavoured cake
- Mix 2 cups of all-purpose flour.
- Insert 1.5 cup of powdered sugar.
- Insert 1 cup of malai.
- Insert 1 tsp of soda.
- Prepare 1 TSP of baking powder.
- Fill 90 of percent of 1 cup milk powder.
- Prepare 1.4 cup of milk.
- Insert 2 tbsp of strawberry crush to apply on each layer of cake.
- Insert 2 drops of vanilla essence.
Quick Step To Make Eggless Strawberry 🍓 flavoured cake
- Beat the cream and sugar in a bowl.
- Add Seived flour,milk powder,baking soda and baking powder to it.
- Mix all well with spatula.
- Add all wet ingredients to it.
- Mix all well make batter fluffy.
- Transfer the batter in greased and dusted tin and bake it for 180 degree till 35 min.
- Take the cake out and keep it aside,unmould it after four hrs.
- Now leave it aside again for two hrs.
- Now cut the cake into three lawyers apply strawberry crush to each layer.
- Now garnish the cake with whipped cream..
That's how to make Eggless Strawberry 🍓 flavoured cake Recipe.
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