How To Cook Eggless Strawberry 🍓 flavoured cake Without Equal

The Recipe For Making Eggless Strawberry 🍓 flavoured cake.

Eggless Strawberry 🍓 flavoured cake You can make Eggless Strawberry 🍓 flavoured cake using 9 ingredients in 10 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Eggless Strawberry 🍓 flavoured cake

  1. Mix 2 cups of all-purpose flour.
  2. Insert 1.5 cup of powdered sugar.
  3. Insert 1 cup of malai.
  4. Insert 1 tsp of soda.
  5. Prepare 1 TSP of baking powder.
  6. Fill 90 of percent of 1 cup milk powder.
  7. Prepare 1.4 cup of milk.
  8. Insert 2 tbsp of strawberry crush to apply on each layer of cake.
  9. Insert 2 drops of vanilla essence.

Quick Step To Make Eggless Strawberry 🍓 flavoured cake

  1. Beat the cream and sugar in a bowl.
  2. Add Seived flour,milk powder,baking soda and baking powder to it.
  3. Mix all well with spatula.
  4. Add all wet ingredients to it.
  5. Mix all well make batter fluffy.
  6. Transfer the batter in greased and dusted tin and bake it for 180 degree till 35 min.
  7. Take the cake out and keep it aside,unmould it after four hrs.
  8. Now leave it aside again for two hrs.
  9. Now cut the cake into three lawyers apply strawberry crush to each layer.
  10. Now garnish the cake with whipped cream..

That's how to make Eggless Strawberry 🍓 flavoured cake Recipe.

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