How To Cook Mungbean cake (onde-onde) Delicious

The Recipe For Making Mungbean cake (onde-onde).

Mungbean cake (onde-onde) You can make Mungbean cake (onde-onde) using 17 ingredients in 2 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Mungbean cake (onde-onde)

  1. Add of Cook in the low fire.
  2. Mix of Filled.
  3. Insert 500 gr of steam mung bean, diced into paste.
  4. Prepare 650 gr of castor sugar.
  5. Insert 50 gr of coconut powder.
  6. Mix 30 cc of or 3 tbs cooking oil.
  7. Insert of Outer skin.
  8. Mix 1 kg of glutinous powder.
  9. Insert 100 gr of all-purpose flour.
  10. Insert 500 gr of castor sugar.
  11. Mix 1 tsp of salt.
  12. Prepare 1 tsp of vanila powder.
  13. Mix 2 tsp of Baking Powder.
  14. Fill 60 ml of cooking oil.
  15. Mix 800 CC of warm water.
  16. Fill of Mix all together till form.
  17. Mix of Sesame seed to cover.

Quick Step To Make Mungbean cake (onde-onde)

  1. Make mixed skin ingredient until in a good consistency, also mungbean filled.
  2. Cover with sesame seed before fry with lower heat..

That's how to make Mungbean cake (onde-onde) Recipe.

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