Recipe of Vapa Pitha (steamed rice cake) Tasty

The Recipe For Making Vapa Pitha (steamed rice cake).

Vapa Pitha (steamed rice cake) You can make Vapa Pitha (steamed rice cake) using 8 ingredients in 6 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Vapa Pitha (steamed rice cake)

  1. Insert 2 cups of Rice Flour (store - bought).
  2. Add of Approx 1 cup Luke warm water.
  3. Add Pinch of Salt.
  4. Mix of Grated coconut.
  5. Mix of Date molasses.
  6. Prepare of Steamer.
  7. Mix of Cheese cloth or kitchen paper.
  8. Fill of Pitha/Rice Cake.

Step By Step To Make Vapa Pitha (steamed rice cake)

  1. In a bowl add rice flour, salt. Sprinkle small amount of water (approx 1 cup of water). Mix all the ingredients. The mixture should not be dough like or runny. If you make a ball you should be able to break it smoothly..
  2. Shift the damp flour through a strainer and let it rest for at least 1 hour.
  3. Use a loose bottom tart-let tin or ramekin. Add a layer of flour mixture then add shredded coconut, jaggery and again flour mixture. Press firmly to seal..
  4. Cover with a soaked the muslin or cheese cloth pieces. If you don't have this you can use ligtly soaked kitchne paper..
  5. Let it steam for 3-4 mintues using a steamer.
  6. Your vapa pitha is ready. Enjoy 🙂.

That's how to make Vapa Pitha (steamed rice cake) Recipe.

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