The Recipe For Making Vapa Pitha (steamed rice cake).
You can make Vapa Pitha (steamed rice cake) using 8 ingredients in 6 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.
Ingredients Required To Make Vapa Pitha (steamed rice cake)
- Insert 2 cups of Rice Flour (store - bought).
- Add of Approx 1 cup Luke warm water.
- Add Pinch of Salt.
- Mix of Grated coconut.
- Mix of Date molasses.
- Prepare of Steamer.
- Mix of Cheese cloth or kitchen paper.
- Fill of Pitha/Rice Cake.
Step By Step To Make Vapa Pitha (steamed rice cake)
- In a bowl add rice flour, salt. Sprinkle small amount of water (approx 1 cup of water). Mix all the ingredients. The mixture should not be dough like or runny. If you make a ball you should be able to break it smoothly..
- Shift the damp flour through a strainer and let it rest for at least 1 hour.
- Use a loose bottom tart-let tin or ramekin. Add a layer of flour mixture then add shredded coconut, jaggery and again flour mixture. Press firmly to seal..
- Cover with a soaked the muslin or cheese cloth pieces. If you don't have this you can use ligtly soaked kitchne paper..
- Let it steam for 3-4 mintues using a steamer.
- Your vapa pitha is ready. Enjoy 🙂.
That's how to make Vapa Pitha (steamed rice cake) Recipe.
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