Tutorial Of Instant healthy dark chocolate cake So Easy

The Recipe For Making Instant healthy dark chocolate cake.

Instant healthy dark chocolate cake You can make Instant healthy dark chocolate cake using 8 ingredients in 4 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Instant healthy dark chocolate cake

  1. Insert 6 tbsp of wheat flour.
  2. Insert 5 tbsp of jaggery.
  3. Mix 1 tbsp of cocoa powder.
  4. Mix 3 tbsp of chopped dark chocolates.
  5. Prepare 0.5 tsp of baking powder.
  6. Prepare 0.25 tsp of salt.
  7. Mix 7 tbsp of milk.
  8. Prepare 2 tbsp of oil.

Step By Step To Make Instant healthy dark chocolate cake

  1. Add wheat flour + jaggery + salt + baking powder + cocoa powder + dark chocolate and mix well..
  2. Now add milk + oil and mix well to form a smooth batter. Now garnish on top with a few more dark chocolate chopped.
  3. Heat in microwave for 3 minutes on high and serve it hot..
  4. .

That's how to make Instant healthy dark chocolate cake Recipe.

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